Nov 16, 2008

George W Bush's Departing Gifts To The Oil Industry

"The view of Delicate Arch natural bridge — an unspoiled landmark so iconic it's on Utah's license plates — could one day include a drilling platform under a proposal that environmentalists call a Bush administration "fire sale" for the oil and gas industry."

"This is the fire sale, the Bush administration's last great gift to the oil and gas industry ..."
"The tracts of land offered here, next to Arches National Park or above Desolation Canyon, these are the crown jewels of America's lands that the BLM is offering to the highest bidder."
Stephen Bloch, a staff attorney for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.

After George W Bush, also known as the incompetent-in-chief, brought an 8-year national nightmare upon our country, there was no logical reason to not let Obama start his presidency on November 5th.

If Bush stays in office until the end of Januaray 2009, there will be no functional country for Obama to lead, since incompetent-in-chief's minions will do a "fire-sale" of anything worth something to the oil industry and other corporate backers.

It's really a shame. And Bush will forever go down in history as the worst American president ever.

If a foreign entity would have devised a plan to bring so much destruction to the American economy and to our country's standing on the international stage as Bush did, that entity would have been designated ENEMY OF THE STATE!

Kingston, Sandisk, Viewsonic, Canon, Toshiba

Blog 4 BrandNewCitizen

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